Nine things you need to know about freediving

It’s no secret freediving has enjoyed a tremendous surge in popularity in just the past few years. Long fins, camouflaged wetsuits and all the other trappings of freediving are showing up everywhere. Unfortunately, most of the people we see using it have no idea what they are doing and, as a consequence, die all too frequently.


A continuous guideline…to where?

Guideline“A continuous guideline to open water…”What does that mean? What should it mean? Regardless of who publishes them, cave diver training materials and standards will have some sort of reference to “maintaining a continuous guideline to open water” — or words to that effect. But what this means depends on who you ask.

Rapid Recovery from Post-Irma Flooding

Flood RecoveryYou may be cave diving in north-central Florida this weekend after all. As of today, most of the region’s popular cave systems are either open or about to open. The only exceptions are Devil’s Eye and Ear, and (possibly) Little River. And, according to Ginnie’s Facebook page, they are shooting for opening this coming Tuesday, September 26.


RMV vs. SAC: What’s the Difference? 2

RMV vs SACFew topics seem to generate more confusion among divers and instructors than Respiratory Minute Volume, better known as RMV, and Surface Air Consumption rate, commonly referred to as SAC rate. This article will tell you what you need to know in simple, easy-to-understand language.


The 6 Rules of Scuba 2

6 rulesYou can sum up most of what divers need to do to be safe under water in just six simple rules. While there is certainly a lot more that divers should know, it is these six things that can help you avoid most accidents. Not only that, these rules can help make diving easier and a whole lot more enjoyable.


When is it okay to “stand on the sand?”

DiverThe other day, I got an interesting comment on a photo I posted way back in December. The photo (shown below) is a still-frame capture from a You Tube video. The video was actually pretty good, showing both diving and a specific destination in a positive light. Unfortunately, that’s not what many viewers are going to remember.


Every dive is a solo dive

Solo diverAuthor Michael Menduno, who first coined the term technical diving, is also known for the following quote: Every dive is a decompression dive; every dive is a solo dive. This is likely one of the truest statements in diving.


You can’t make up sh*t like this…

Medical formLast week I posted an article on the bitter realities of risk management for dive instructors. A large part of that article was devoted to paperwork and, in particular, the vital importance of getting students to complete the Medical History form accurately and honestly. Shortly afterward. an instructor from — well, we’ll just say “somewhere out west” — contacted me with a story of stupidity so unbelievable it boggles the mind.
